Thursday, January 14, 2016


Start off the new year right with a nifty new PASSWORD at a great price. 7 day sale starts NOW. (14Jan2016) Some of you need to quit using shared passwords you didn't pay for and come clean.  NOTE: many of the the links below have FREE videos that show you how to teach math, and samples of what you will find behind the paywalls. People find these quite valuable too.  Even if you don't buy anything: learn some math while your here.

Sale Price: $225.00
Reg price: $249.00
2016 price: $350.00

You save almost enough to by a combo kit combo. But for sure enough to get a set of blocks. People often buy blocks but have no idea how to best use them. Indeed, entire companies have been set up that fail to give you the training and info you need to best use your base ten blocks.

Training in San Diego.
This is your last chance to get them before prices go up again. Also a last chance to get "live" video training for 1/2 off. I will be doing monthly webinars for just 100 bucks for 4 to 5 hours of training. Questions get answered, discoveries are made, problems solved and parents and teachers emerge with a whole new attitude toward math and math fun. Take a moment and check out these testimonials I've this isn't even all of them. Here are a bunch more.  

YOU can have results like that too; change your children's math life forever and avoid MANY problems that are coming in the very near future if you keep doing math the "traditional" way by getting started NOW. The longer you wait the worse it gets...some of you may already be here now and you will find it is much easier to avoid problems than to fix them.

The GETTING STARTED PAGE is a 5 dollar value all by itself. Many people have found it useful to go to that page and use it as a starting point. Make sure to check out the FREE PDF's on that page too. You will find lots of FREE vids chock full of valuable useful information on many of the page links you find here.

"If you get all of this for free I can't image what you get for money." ~Amazed Math Mom.


sale is over

If all else fails use this link:

Four Passwords. 
Note: there are free lessons and videos you will find useful on almost all of the "entry" pages for the password protected pages below.  Just click the links below for short FREE lessons

Lifetime Passwords are just get a pass for a lifetime. Pay once and you are good, forever. Come back as often as you like. Watch vids, download PDFs. You get all my passwords to get through all my pay walls all for one low price...currently that takes 4 passwords. When you purchase the LIFETIME you get it all.


Sitewide: this is the password that gets you the most bang for the buck. It's the password that gets you into the most pages. It gets you into all of these pages (and more):

Advanced Algebra:  This page show how to do negative expressions and integers as well as graphing polynomials, some story problems and more. Shows little kids doing "advanced" math. The point is not that they are geniuses the point is if they can do it you can do it and learn how o show your kids too.  There is NO PLACE else you will find 5 and 6 year olds factoring problems like x² - x - 6 or 8 year olds factoring third and fourth power polynomials and HAVING FUN DOING IT.  They ask for it. 

Percentages:This page is great because it makes percentages so easy. Problems like 12 is what percent of 40?  Or 49 is 70% of what number? Are super easy once you can see what you are doing. This page is priceless because the knowledge you find on it is contained nowhere else on the internet that I've seen. 

Problem Solving. This page makes problem solving child's play; also introduces systems of equations using "Ten Apples Up On Top".  Problems like  3x - 2 =  2x + 5 are explained in detail. 

Sample Lessons: This page alone is worth the whole price. Not just theory but theory in practice you get to see me "do it," unrehearsed on the fly with real live students of all ages and abilities. As one little girl recently said, "it's WAY more fun when you are doing it, than just watching videos." This is why we say math is NOT a spectator sport.

Sample Lessons with Sarah: Speaking of theory in practice, here is a page of vids with me working with an autistic girl. You see some of the actual lessons that got her to pass her GED and ACT Compass test. We should be very thankful to Sarah and her mom for giving me permission to use these. "Maybe another autistic  person like me will see it and they will know math is easy too because they saw me. Yeah?" I have been told this is an invaluable resource because it shows how to break concepts down so simply that her autism isn't a barrier and at times can actually be an advantage.

DBoyz playing with math. Example isn't a way to teach. It's THE ONLY way to teach. At Crewton Ramone's House of Math I don't show you how theory...I show you how.  You too can tailor lessons for you kids that make learning math fun easy and personalized for your child.

Raymond's Page. More sample lessons with another student. This a bright young student. By now it should start to ecome clear the concepts are the same and so are some of the lessons...the more you see theory in practice the easier it will be to practice the theory with you own students and get stellar results.

Emma's Page:  This child was labeled, they wanted to introduce drugs. As Far as I could tell she was a normal child who was just bored to tears in school.

Functions & Relationships This is a pdf of one of the old out of print Series A manuals. Clears up a lot of issues students have with pre-calculus concepts and shows you how to do some basic water tank and constant rate problems with a half hour video. Again, nobody is showing you how to do this kind of math with the ten and under crowd. NOBODY

This is NOT a complete list, explore and discover--find a couple of Easter Eggs for yourself. When in doubt use your sitewide password. If it doesn't work, email me for the new one but make sure you aren't on one of the three pages below first. Side note: there are Free videos and training which you will find valuable on all of these pages.

SCREECASTS: Here are two pages many people overlook. One has over 70 FREE screencasts and the Password Protected Screencast Page on has another 23 vids which equates to more than 4 hours more training via screencast. All are short video lessons, usually less than 10 minutes long, (none of them more than 15 minutes long) so you can do it in bite size pieces.

TEST PAGE: Here is a test page to see if you have the right password:

This Trig page ALONE is worth the entire cost of a lifetime password...I have heard that many times now. Getting people to comment and write testimonials is like pulling teeth.  The fact that I have so many in and of itself should be a clue to some of you. Please go back and leave comments good bad or indifferent on these pages so people can see it's not just me.

I have another Trig page, "How to teach trig to eight year olds" that has gotten quite a few hits that you can buy by itself if you want, but it is included when you buy a Lifetime Pass. See below.

sale is over

Parent Teacher Training.

Parent Teacher Training: This Password alone is worth the price all by itself. You get hours of video training along with Pdfs to go with. This year I will be adding transcripts of these trainings too. As people who got in back when there was just one password for 100 bucks have found, once you get a Lifetime Pass the benefits keep coming. If you want results like the ones you see in the screenshots of comments you see peppered throughout this blog, then you may also want to come to a "live" video training or two.  The Teacher training page is made up of videos taken directly from some of those trainings along with links to more pages and video and supporting pdfs that you can download.  Also for those that have been through the training and are on facebook please go put some comments HERE.

You can also purchase ANNUAL passes for JUST the Sitewide or JUST the Parent Teacher Training, or both.  ANNUAL passes are good for one year only.  I have found that quite a few people convert from annual to lifetime...and NO, you don't get credit toward the Lifetime if you already bought an annual.

Bonus Pages: 






As an added Bonus to those who get lifetime passes I have so far made TWO BONUS pages.  The EZ PZ overview that comes with what looks like a complicated flow chart, but actually it's EZPZ lemon squeezee, hence the name and the Trig to Eight Year Olds Page which helps make trig child's play...because math is child's play.  Even trig.

 The EZ PZ Page goes along with the P/T training and gives you an Bird's Eye overview of how the method works and what to be doing with your students and children. It also gives you an idea of when to introduce what and ideas on how to make learning 45 addends and 400 math facts as painless as fact move from painless to FUN.

The Trig To Eight year old page breaks down basic trig functions like SIN, COS and TAN and make them concrete and understandable. Finding angles and sides is easy when you can get you hands on it and understand what the words mean and what the questions are asking. Actual lessons show you how to show your kids (or yourself) how easy trig can be.


Training will be monthly (there may be some special sessions in between the monthly sessions). Cost is 100 bucks a session which works out around 20 to 25 bucks an hour. Training woks like this. Simple.  I usually charge 50 bucks an hour, and people think it's worth it. For an idea of what happens during training click HERE,  During the sale you can purchase tutoring or training with the button below.
Crewton Ramone In Action.

You are getting HALF OFF for the training.

And if you buy more you get one or two free passes. Usually I only offer 2 free classes if you spend 400 bucks but I threw one in free starting at 250 bucks...for those of you that want tutoring this means you don't have to cough up 400 bucks at once to get a free class...after the sale it's back to 400.

Basically if you buy 8 classes the rate is 40 bucks an hour instead of 50.
If you buy 5 classes the rate is $41.67 instead of 50 because I'm throwing in one in for free at the lower price point for this sale only.

People have found the training to be very worthwhile.  It's not the same as in person but vid training is definitely the next best thing to being there.

sale is over

If all else fails use this link:



It's basically the same thing but one is for PARENT TEACHER TRAINING and this one if for tutoring you could just as easily use the button above or this one:

Tutoring Passes

If all else fails use this link:

My tutoring is effective. My F to A stories are manifold.  Many of my students don't just get A's the get 100%'s because once you understand the concepts computation is EZ. No really. See for yourself.

If you have used my password pages leave a comment below: