Saturday, September 30, 2017

Base Ten Block PDFs

Are you a homeschool mom, struggling with homeschool math curriculum?

Or maybe you have a child who loves math and you just want to give them some math enrichment.

Or maybe you want to give your kindergartner a real Headstart.

 For a lot of homeschool moms mathematics curriculum is the most challenging part of homeschooling… because statistically speaking, your math experience might not be as excellent as you’d like it to be.

Well, here are PDFs and manuals made for base ten blocks,  along with videos that bring them to life. These videos make math fun and understandable. That's right: I said fun. AND understandable.

Mortensen math series a manual.
Take advantage of this introductory limited time offer, while I build out these instructional webpages, you get PDFs & manuals at a discount designed especially for base 10 blocks. ANY base 10 blocks plus videos explaining them all for a reduced price.

I do ask that you leave a comment in return. And remember this is a limited time offer.

Right now 6/10 of the series a manuals are up. And a ton of PDFs.  Click this link,  watch the video.


PDFs & Series A Manuals

Then Claim your free gift for your time & trouble:

Supremely Simple Subtraction.

It will give you an idea of what to expect on these password-protected pages.  Just click this link.

There you'll find a link to claim your free gift.

Take a moment to watch the video… this offer doesn't last forever. Prices are going up. ($97) Not just because of inflation, but because I keep adding more and more material.

But for now, for 10% of a lifetime membership, and a 59% discount off the price when I'm finished, you get crap ton of PDFs and All 10 Series A Manuals, for one ridiculously low price just for being an early adopter and taking some action now. Watch the video and you can try before you buy. And yes you have access for life.  Either way keep supremely simple subtraction as my gift to you.

By popular demand here are CURRENT Paypal buttons:

Alt Email.

10 paymens of 36.00

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

General Math Camp.

Math camp for the wee ones!


General Math Camp $300 with $50 rebate:

All else fails pay pal me with this link; I can also take a credit card over the phone...

Here are some comments testimonials:

And more like this on the USERS PAGE. (You will put 3/10 posts HERE in order to get your $50 rebate.