Monday, April 4, 2011

Even More Factoring with 3rd and 4th Power Polynomials

Factoring is fun and easy or hard and incomprehensible depending on how you learn it. I once had a high school student tell his mother he was math learning disabled due to his inability to "get" problems like these. He quit tutoring one lesson before we got to these...

This student on the other hand is 11 and he'll never know this stuff is supposed to be hard. Note how we stay positive until we really have a handle on how to make these go together. Textbooks always jumble the degree of difficulty and start of with negatives and positives. Then wonder why students don't "get" it...that and they haven't figured out how to show third and fourth power algebra in two dimensions...

There are a lot of posts on factoring polynomials on this blog and also on my website. If you want to see how to do ones that contain negative coefficients as well as how to do division and more you need a password and you will find it on the password protected pages (advanced algebra tab) at Crewton Ramone's House Of Math...

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