Monday, June 23, 2014

Ben Ten Block P/T Training

Wednesday 25June2014 10am HST you are cordially invited to a 1 Hour, Parent Teacher Training. Fee $20. Gmail video chat required. Blocks also required...

And then there was room for 8. First come first served...but before you get all crazy you need gmail vid chat installed and you need to send me a chat request and you need to understand this is NOT going to be so much about doing math with blocks as much as the ideas behind the method, how to use the blocks, concepts and I think in this case there will be some comparisons to other blocks like MUS, Montessori and Cuisenaire this is #5 in a series...1 thru 3 are actually uploaded...4 is being worked on and might even be uploaded and put on a webpage this weekend...but each training is stand other words you needn't have been to the others...

Also I'm crazy like that you can pay AFTERWARDS, if you didn't think it was worth it you don't need to pay me...but I'm certainly not going to have you take up space at another might write a few questions down...and also my hours tend to go long because they go so you might block more than 60 minutes...

Here is the P/T training page at the house of math. I actually have about three hours worth of vids uploaded to youtube...just haven't added them there yet...they will be behind a paywall, in other words you will need a password--and not the new one either: it will be a separate password...

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