Thursday, July 5, 2018

As I was working on my website I found this little gem.

Notice the ® in the logo now, Crewton Ramone's House of Math is a registered trademark, if you don't see it you need to refresh your pages... It's definitely coming together and getting more organized.

I was sad to have to delete so many videos that don't work anymore. So I will make new ones and use YouTube, and eventually switch from YouTube to Vimeo or some other platform...

Mostly these were the videos that show you how to use the PDFs I made. I have better screen casting software now that makes MP4's instead of saving them in esoteric formats that no longer work.

My one concern about the new organization and design is that people will go "in order" even though you can do Trig for eight-year-olds at anytime, the "advanced math" requires your ability to count nine, identify a rectangle and tell if something is same or different.

It should be obvious to you that the "linear" way of teaching mathematics is an utter and complete failure. Mathematical concepts need to be taught "all at once"... You don't need to know how to multiply and subtract in order to do division, you need to understand concepts and be able to count. Subtraction and multiplication just make that counting fast and easy.

I'm going to make a video shortly, that will show you how you can keep it very, very small, and teach HUGE concepts to toddlers, kindergartners or first-graders.

Understanding trumps memorization every time. With a combination of understanding and visualization, you can do calculations and computations so quickly it looks like you have them memorized.

I was watching a great documentary on fractals, Mandelbrot himself said that once he could SEE & visualize it, the symbols fell into place... Concrete first, drawings second, symbols third.

I am considered dangerous in certain circles because I teach students HOW to think, despite my posts here I don't really care what you think...I actually enjoy it most when people disagree on common reality. But would not the world be a better place if everyone could think well?

People wouldn't be putting poison into cancer patients and calling it "therapy" for one, they couldn't have gotten away with the lies after September 2001... Instead, I watch people poison their loved ones, and had to listen to people who were supposed to be able to do physics make insane explanations for buildings in freefall... And then standby as we destroyed entire countries killing hundreds of thousands of children based 100% on provable lies.

Mathematics, critical thinking, logic and reason have everything to do with science, medicine, politics and even religion... Meantime most people are stuck at computation, and confuse computation with the mathematics. Computation is how we DO the mathematics, once you understand concepts all we can do is change the numbers but the concept remains the same.

Look for a video here soon.

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