Friday, February 1, 2019

Subscription Sale!!!

You've heard about it, it's finally here. 

Take up to 24 months to buy a password.

You can also do one time pay and get everything at once for $325.00 for a limited time.  That's a massive savings off of the $444.00 Price.  $399.00 is the regular price for one pay, or you can buy single modules for $111.00 each (four modules = $444.00).

You are formally given notice that the lifetime password at this price is about to go away. This will be the 10th year, and I've been told numerous times, that it should be $2-$500 a year in the life time should be much more than that. Most likely the lifetime will be $1200.00,  and for $299 you get a years worth of access...I'll bet that it will take you more than a year to get through all of my stuff. These boys are all grown up now... At the ripe old age of 12 and

If you just want to make a one-time payment, of $333.33 (!!!) Simply use this PayPal link:

No brochure makes hotel look bad.

If you want to take advantage of this subscription sale choose your option below. Please watch the video, it should answer most of your questions.  Visit my website:
 This person bought a password, after coming for one of my seminars, and this is a second-generation testimonial, Shalynn started out just like you. 

She was homeschooling her own children, and wanted to make a math rich environment for them. She knew how to make a reading and literature rich environment, and just needed a little guidance on how to make a math rich environment in her home for her children. After some encouragement from me she started tutoring other kids, it has turned into a side business. I am a master trainer. I can show you how to make math fun, not just fun but understandable...

I certainly can't take all the credit because she has a winning personality, but when it comes to the mathematics part of it I'm the one that taught her how to make math fun. She will tell you the same.

Check out this page of testimonials & see what these users have to say.

I can do the same for you... Via my website

Choose your best option:

Hurry this offer ends soon!

Look for a sale from the Mortenson company on blocks and other materials shortly.

Visit my website and check out also if you get for free!

The Facebook superduper supersecret page:

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