Here you will see students as young as 4 and 5 years old doing algebra and "advanced" math, without ever knowing it's supposed to be hard.
You are invited to learn how to use this method...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

4 Year Old Factors Polynomials No Problem

Here is part of a longer video that you can find on the Sample Lessons Page. In it we see two little boys on a hot Hawaiian day playing algebra. You can see all the learning that takes place in this clip...they learn counting, addition, multiplication, factoring and algebra...and you can see it's fun and satisfying when they get it right.

God made it that way. Learning is fun. You can see when the endorphins go off by the expressions on their can hear the light bulbs going off in other videos with older students...ohhh, and ahhh, and "I get it now" are your verbal clues big smiles and clasped hands are physical clues.

Some day I would like to have a directors cut type session where I can pause the vids and talk over what's happening. The Mortensen Math methodology makes it easy for little kids to play math, it really does make math child's's simple, once you understand the basic concepts. It's so simple some think it's magic, it's not magic: it's mathematics...and all we are doing is counting.

Too cheap to spend 3 bucks on a password? Go here for a FREE one hour overview on how to teach math using manipulatives, specifically using Mortensen Math.

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