People are always looking for free printable math worksheets so I put some on my site you can also find the same ones here in this post. I did a little research and found the greatest demand was for first grade math worksheets and fraction worksheets, so I started there first. Soon there will be all manner of free elementary math worksheets available but the really cool ones and the full length ones are going to be on the Password Protected PDFs Page and a password will cost a dollar. Not one dollar for each math worksheet but a dollar for the whole she-bang. It's already over 100 pages and counting...
As many pdfs as I put there is as many pdfs as you can down load. Like the screencast page you can watch as many times as you want for as long as your password works...which should be for 30 to 60 days, except on the PDFs page you aren't watching you are downloading.
Here is a screencast covering just one of the worksheets you can find on the PDFs page that requires a password. It's two 20 page worksheets covering addends and also gives practice and instruction on how to write the numbers. Here is a FREE sample of it in color for practice with nines and tens. Like the one you see here.
Like always, don't think that it's only going to be for little kids there will be plenty there for older kids too, just with this method the little kids can do what the older kids do...
“Even while they teach, men learn.” ~Lucius Annaeus Seneca
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