Here you will see students as young as 4 and 5 years old doing algebra and "advanced" math, without ever knowing it's supposed to be hard.
You are invited to learn how to use this method...

Friday, May 20, 2011

Addends, Pythagoras and Math Fun


The 36 minute vid requires a password and for 3 bucks (or 12 bucks for a year pass) it's worth it, if I do say so myself just for this vid alone. I just watched it again. It should really bring home certain points in the method and HOW you use blocks to reinforce the concepts. And that same password gets you onto pages with lots of worksheet PDF's and HOURS AND HOURS more video so you basically have no excuse for NOT using your manipulatives to teach math. All kinds of topics are covered and more all the time...

Here is a short clip from a tutoring session where we took it easy on a Friday afternoon and played...but it was serious play where we learned addends fooled with a triangle, learned lots of math concepts and worked toward mastery...of multiplication and addends using addends to count count by 6's and 7's well past 6x12 and 7x12.. All 45 addends and multiplication tables need to be mastered for instant recall...this will make all the other mathematics easier...and fun. In order to do that you need to make many, many impressions on the mind to build the nuero-pathway to that information. You'll see we go over 7+4 many times in this time he comes back 7+4 be easier to recall and with a few more impressions it will be 2+2...all 45 need to be mastered.

This is a short segment of a lesson that's 36 minutes long at the house of math! It is a GREAT lesson if I do say so will enjoy it. Teachers will learn more about the lessons, students will get practice with understanding square root and what it means, we build one triangle, use a protractor, but mostly addends and their many and varied uses for making math EASY.

Check out the sample lessons at the house of math!


You can burn it in there the old fashioned way, the way they do it at some learning centers with math worksheets and timed drills where the facts are repeated over and over again. This is effective BUT you may lose conceptual understanding and it compartmentalizes the information to the point where some students may have a hard time understanding how it all fits together, further you risk burning students out and creating a negative association with math...and just surveying the state of mathematics in this country how's that working out so far?

As you will see at the end of the full length video it's simple to tie it all together...and it's well past time for a different and fun approach.

Here is a little more from the lesson which actually happened before we shot the promo above...

If you want to see the full lesson, (you need a password). One of the things we did was count by 7's, and 6's well past 12 times, and I showed him how we could use addends to do it, we also fooled with a Pythagorean Triple and busted out a protractor to measure some angles...

Here is a two page test he did earlier in the week. Go here for a screencast covering these two pages. The screencast is titled Algebra Test. In the screencast they aren't sideways...

It amuses me no end that teachers and parents cannot understand how playing with blocks can lead to understanding mathematical concepts on such a profound level that 3rd degree polynomials eventually present "no problem." I am doing my best to remove the mystery and lay it as bare as possible...mostly for free. This system works, it's not an experiment it WORKS. It will make crappy math teachers into good math teachers and good math teachers into GREAT math allows you to let your students see what the symbols mean. Therefore you can manipulate them...

There are now hours of lessons, sample lessons pdfs for down load available with that same password. If you get materials through me you get a year pass to my sites if you already have materials or if you just want to see more, a start is 3 bucks, this gets you 60 days worth of time, for 12 bucks you get a year pass. You may need that much time just to get through the host of information available...and there's more going up every week.

1 comment:

  1. Back when passwords were super cheap and nobody would buy one. Now you can get an annual for 10 easy payments of $8.50 a month...or lifetime for 10 easy payments of $26.00...for that you get two password one for the sitewide pass and another for the teacher training...or you can lookie-loo for 20 bucks...this lesson alone is worth the lookie-loo...


    More to come.

    Wait till I finish the trig page...right now it's mostly done but there's no preview page just hit the tab on my website that says TRIANGLES. That page alone is worth the price of a lifetime pass...
